Monday, August 10, 2009

Moday, Monday, lalaaa, laa lalalaaa...

No kitchen for JB yet.... This weekend went by so fast , we got caught up in errands, had to take really long naps and do some 'Hollygrove Market' cooking. We also went through some last boxes and bags moved off the boat. We went down memory lane quite a bit, with a lot of laughter, little heart aches, remembering the big dreams, aknowledging how they changed over time, appreciating what has been and what is today. Looking back to the very, very beginning of our life together, when I didn't even dare dreaming of Jackson, I see how far we came. We really did, each of us, seperate and together. We marched on quite oncharted land, it seems. Territory where falling on the nose is so part of the journey. As much as always getting up, keep walking.
Whenever I go through stuff from my past, I'm quick to do a 'tabula rasa' and get rif of everything in sight. Chuck made me keep a couple of things - Thank you, lover! Tea lights I brought across the ocean, some 6 years ago. A silk dress I got in Vietnam (10 years ago?), that I will never wear again, but always will admire the hand made piece of art. And I kept JB's first little bitty onesie we brought him home in. Together with that little pink and blue hat they put on every baby in the hospital, as soon as comes out, it seems.
We did unpack some other treasures as well: A box with little cars, that used to be Andrew's. Guess who is thrilled about that find??? We also unpacked some books that Chuck and big brother Andrew used to read together, and ended up reading some Dr. Seuss to JB right there in the back yard, between boxes and bags. Good times, even though spend different than planned.
Happy Monday to all.

1 comment:

  1. wow, going through old stuff is so much fun. I still have boxes full of my old live in CH which are like treasures for me now!!
